Editing / Proofreading
Get better reviews and sell more with a professional edit and proofread. Our experienced, qualified editors will work with you to make sure your book is the best it can be by eliminating errors and offering helpful advice on structure and style.
Our Editing and Proofreading services are available as stand alone services, and can be purchased without any printed material, please contact us for more information.
How does it work?
This is an in-depth look at the raw content of your book. The editor will:
- Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
- Advise on sentence structure
- Check for errors in continuity and plot holes
- Advise on any potential stylistic improvements
Edit and Proofread
This means the editor will correct errors and offer advice before the design stage and then conduct a final quality check before printing to ensure everything is perfect. There is also a discount for purchasing both services.
This is a final quality check carried out just before your book is printed. The editor will:
- Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
- Check all formatting (e.g. page numbers, chapter headings, etc)
- Provide a report on what they find
What benefits will you see?
Sell More
A properly edited book makes for a better reader experience, resulting in more positive reviews and more sales.
Raise Your Profile
Editing elevates your book to the professional standard your readers expect and inspires trust in you as an author.
Sell With Confidence
Nothing undermines you as an author quicker than a silly spelling mistake. A professional edit will help to make sure this doesn't happen.

Editing and Proofreading FAQs
What format should I send my work in for editing?
We prefer to edit Microsoft Word documents so we can use the 'Track Changes' function, which shows all the changes that have been made in the document and allows the editor to add comments and suggestions throughout.
We can also work from PDFs but we will only be able to highlight errors. You will need to make all changes yourself.
We can edit handwritten manuscripts but these will need to be typed up into a digital format first, for which there will be an additional charge.
How long will my edit take?
This depends on the length of your book and our schedule. We will let you know how long your edit will take at the point of enquiry.
Will I be able to amend my edit?
Yes. After the editor has completed their first edit of your work, they will send the document back to you so you can see what they have done, answer any queries they have raised and accept or reject any suggestions they have made. The editor will then amend the text in accordance with your instructions. If you require further changes after this point, we will be happy to help you, but you may be charged for additional editorial time. We will always discuss additional costs with you before going ahead.
At what stage should I get my book edited?
Usually, it’s best to get as far as you can on your own before using a professional editor - if you’ve gone through the book yourself and eliminated easy mistakes you will know you are getting the most out of your editor. So work through your book until you are happy with it and then start to look for your professional editor - but be prepared to make further changes once you’ve got an expert on board.
I'm good at English, can't I just edit my own book?
Of course you can. However, a professional editor is an experienced and skilled fresh pair of eyes. You’ve likely read your book several times, you know what you want to say and you know the story, which makes it easy to miss inconsistencies and mistakes. A professional editor can also offer objective, constructive and honest advice.