Top quality novel printing from an experienced team of designers, printers and experts!
You can see your work in print and share your story with the world through Book Printing UK with our novel printing service. If this is your first book, then we will help you live your dream of being in print!
With Book Printing UK there is no “uploading your files and hoping”. Instead, you will get a personal account manager from the start to guide you on every step of your novel printing journey, meaning you are never left in the dark.
To help you make sure your novel is ready to print, we have a free file assessment service, where our expert designers will check your files. If we spot any errors with your files, we will let you know so that what we send to print is perfect.
This lets you print your novel with total confidence that the final product will look and feel as amazing as the story written on the pages.
There are two great ways to get started on your novel printing journey: head over to our free online quote calculator and see how much it is to print a novel or, if you want to see an example of the high quality print we offer, why not get a free sample book in your chosen binding type!

Printing Your Novel
Whilst the size you print in is entirely up to you, it might be a little odd to print a gripping thriller or rom-com in A4. There may not be industry standards perse but there are trends that people follow with novels which are either A5 or the slightly smaller novel size.
Most of the novels you see out on the shelves are printed to a similar size and that could be considered the industry unofficial standard, but there is nothing to say you can’t deviate from that. You can learn more about book sizes on our book sizes page.
Almost every novel I have ever read, and that we here at BookPrintingUK have produced are paperback books. Sometimes we do see an extra special hardback version, but hardbacks are more expensive to produce than paperbacks which tends to put authors off, especially if they are self-publishing a book to sell.
When it comes to printing a paperback novel, you need to ensure you don’t go over the 600-page limit. Not only is this the largest book we can bind, it also becomes a epic saga! If your novel is over 600 pages (sides) then it may be worth breaking it down into volumes and creating a series of novels.
If you have any questions about your binding type or need information about the pages, you can always contact us on 01733 898102 where our experts will be able to guide you.
Formatting and Designing Your Novel
As mentioned before, our designers can perform a free file assessment on your files to ensure they are print ready and you’re not in for any nasty surprises when you open your printed books.
If you would like us to help you with designing your cover for your novel or laying out the insides so they look professional, then we would love to! Our team of in-house expert designers have heaps of knowledge and experience when it comes to designing and formatting novels.
If you want to have a go at creating your novel yourself then you can use our templates which have all the technical bits set up.
Other Things You Need To Consider When Printing Your Novel
Are you going to edit and proof your novel yourself or do you need some help with this? If you are going to edit the book yourself you can download our self-editing checklist. If you would like some help then head over to our editing page and see what we can offer.
Selling Your Novel
You have put in a lot of hard work to write and print your novel, now it is time to get selling! You will need to think about how much you are going to sell your novel for in order to make a profit. If you are going to use Amazon as a sales platform then there are certain fees you will need to take into consideration. You will also need to think about the cost of shipping the novels and where you are going to store your stock. We are able to help with all of this, take a look at our Amazon Author Arena Service. Please remember, if you plan to sell your novel to the general public then you will need to obtain an ISBN and register your book with the British Libraries.
When you first print your novel the artwork needs to be set up for print, you will check your proof and make any changes. Once this is done your print files are ready to go the next time you order. This means we are able to offer a reduced price for reorders of your novel. As long as there are no changes to your novel you can use your online account to order as little as one copy at your reduced reorder price.
Our Recommendations
Most novels you see are printed to a similar size, somewhere between novel size (127mm x 203mm) and A5 (148mm x 210mm). We recommend going for a paperback book in novel size.
For paper thickness, we recommend either 80gsm off-white paper for a standard novel full of text, or 100gsm if you are including colour images in the book.
Our max page count is 600, so be sure to keep within that limit. Learn more by visiting our book sizes page and paper types page.
More than just Printers
At Book Printing UK, we don't stop after printing. We understand that there's much more needed to create a book. That's where our extended Services come in to help. From proofreading to ISBNs, book design to E-book conversion, we've got you covered!
Our experienced team offer bespoke expertise relating to your book, and your book only. Simply add any services to your quote, or order separately. Feel free to contact us for more information: info@bookprintinguk.com or 01733 898102
This was my first experience of laying out and printing a novel, made more difficult by the inclusion of 20 colour illustrations, 3 maps and four pages of black and white photos. The sample book (which came quickly) was invaluable in choosing the right paper and bindings etc.. The proof book and subsequent pdf proof was again essential in getting everything correct and settling the nerves. The service was excellent throughout, via the web, email and also on the phone. The end product is excellent, we could not be more pleased, and we appreciate the patience and support provided.
Mauro Tobin